Post 6: Time travel to the future

My time travel to the future would be to Chile, specifically, to Santiago. I don´t think I would be traveling or moving out of the country in the future so my main concern it´s whats happening in Chile. I would like to travel to the year 2030, the main reason is to know if I graduated from my major and if I have a job, what kind of word I am doing and where is my work.

I don´t have to much expectations for the future, so I am happy if I know I will be healthy and with an economyc entry, skiping details because I don´t want to spoil the surprises of my own future,so I wouldn´t stay in there. 

Other reason to time travel to the future would be see how much the technology has progress, the people always speculate to positive about the developing of the technology, so I would like to see what domestic things (like TV´s, cellphones, laptops) have been upgraded with news technology. Personally I think would be just simple upgrades, like more pixels, better camera or more battery. Another aspect about technology I would like to know is about developments to take care of the Earth, for example: an alternative to contaminating energys (pretrol), or a better way to reuse plastic.


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