Post 4: Childhood Series

When I was a child I use to watch TV in very specific moments of the day, my mother worked in a house (no need to explain more) and my mother take me to the house to take care of my while she was working, in that house there was cable TV, so I watched Discovey Kids or Disney XD, but the serie of my childhood always will be Ben 10.

I my childhood I don´t have the occasions to watch to much Ben 10 but the little I watched I love it, just in case, I´m talking about the original Ben 10, the first season in other words. Now, like a young adult I can aprecciate much more of the art, the sounds effects of the "old-school" movies of aliens, the humor, the plot of the serie and even, the horror implicit in general and explicit in some chapters.

Still, in the present I don´t like to watch TV, I feel lucky for grow watching series of that period of time, some current series for childs treat them like they were fools to undertand the art behing a good series.


  1. Hi Nicolas, I totally agree with you, there is no comparison with the old series with those of now, greetings

  2. Hi, I don't know if I remember correctly but I think yetix, it was before Disney XD

  3. I never really understood the plot of Ben 10:/

  4. Hi Nicolas! I think I've never seen Ben 10, but Disney XD was very good!

  5. Yes the old series were better animated than the current ones.


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